The wiper blade sealing foam seals the area between the wiper blade stamping and the waste bin, preventing leakage from the waste bin during operation and handling.
The wiper blade sealing foam seals the area between the wiper blade stamping and the waste bin, preventing leakage from the waste bin during operation and handling.
0.000 LB
0.460 LB
10.000 IN
5.800 IN
0.800 IN
Doc Number
Media Type
Media File
US Launch ONLY
Transition customer from HP42WBSFOAM to H43WBSFOAM. Always observe latest tier Pricing when quoting.
H43WBSFOAM and other Static Control components were installed into Q5942X cartridge. Cartridge was shaken before and after pulling the seal to check for toner leaks. Then the cartridge was print tested to toner life. Once test was completed the cartridge and printer were examined for leaks. No leaking issues occurred during testing.
Fit & Function are comparable to HP42WBSFOAM. Some dimensions and foam types are slightly different but overall they are very comparable.
SKU already discontinued, US will sell through the stock on hand.
No plan to launch in UK as SKU already discontinued.
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